Latest News Posts

Opportunities to Explore STEM Outside the Classroom

Alexandra Evans' found support at COM to reach out and take initiative in her career

Life Lessons as Motivation

COM alum says it's all about the process

STEM Student Contextualizes Goals

COM was Jenna Nicholas' springboard to enter STEM

Don't Put Your Future on Hold

It's never too late to change the direction your life is headed

COMmunity Connections

It's the people who make it possible 

Americans with Disabilities Act Celebrates 30 years

Email to students, faculty, and staff

Addressing Institutional Racism at COM

Statement and nine point aniti-racist plan from Superintendent/President David Wain Coon, Ed.D.

Astronomy Professor Selected to Use Gemini Telescope

COM students will have access to research on extreme energy bursts

COM Joins the California Community College Equity Leadership Alliance

Transparency and accountability for creating racial equity

COM Welcomes New Dean of Workforce Development and Career Education

Innovative programs, community connections

Board of Trustees Meeting Highlights - June 16, 2020

Highlighted consent and action items from the June meeting

College of Marin Suspending Track and Field

After years of low turnout, athletic director suspends program

COM Holds 6th Annual EOPS Award Ceremony Virtually

Honoring accomplishments and celebrating resilience

2020 Juneteenth Celebration Commemorates 155 Years Since the End of Slavery

Celebrating African American and Black history and culture
