Meeting Highlights Include
The District announced that College of Marin, along with 63 other community colleges, have joined the California Community College Equity Leadership Alliance facilitated by the University of Southern California Race and Equity Center. This multi-year initiative will involve monthly convenings focused on professional learning, development of actionable steps, access to resources, and campus climate surveys. The Board made a commitment to regular, monthly Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Racial Justice reports that will include developing and recommending actions for the District to implement.
The Board approved the District’s proposal to rename the College basketball court “Don Barksdale Basketball Court”. Don Barksdale was a distinguished alum, who played basketball at College of Marin, from 1942-42, and overcame many obstacles and barriers to be the first African American named NCAA All-American (1947), be on the US Olympic Basketball Team (1948), be the first of four African Americans drafted to the National Basketball Association (1950) and be the first African American men named to the NBA All-Star Team (1953). The unveiling of the new court and celebration is planned for Spring of 2021.
The Board held an open public hearing on the on the COM Facilities Master Plan (FMP) and Learning Resource Center (LRC) Environmental Impact Report (EIR). At the end of the agenda item, the public hearing was closed for public comment. After the hearing, the Board of Trustees certified the EIR and adopted the FMP program and the LRC project.
Regular Meeting
During the regular meeting, the Board of Trustees heard updates on Measure B that included an extensive report on community outreach conducted for the LRC EIR, a brief COVID-19 update, a Classified Senate report, and a detailed 2020/21 Tentative Budget presentation.
Other Action Highlights
The Board passed all consent and action items on the agenda. Approved items included all consent calendar items, Resolution No. 2020-13, Authorization of Temporary Transfer of Funds from County of Marin for 2020-2021 Fiscal Year; Resolution No. 2020-14, for Use of Educational Protection Account Revenue; Resolution No. 2020-15, Authorization to Sign on Behalf of the Governing Board 2020-2021; Resolution No. 2020-16, Plan for Investment in a Public Agency Retirement Services (PARS) Trust Fund; and Resolution No. 2020-17, Certifying The Facilities Master Plan (“FMP”) and Learning Resources Center (“LRC”) Environmental Impact Report (“EIR”); Adopting the Statement of Facts and Findings, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring Program; Approving the FMP; and Approving the LRC Project. The Board of Trustees also approved the 2020/21 Tentative Budget, Continuation of Retainer Agreement with School and College Legal Services, naming the Don Barksdale Basketball Court; Board Compensation Adjustment, Emergency Fire Mitigation Order, Proposed Facility Fee Schedule Including Draft Fees for Bill and Adele Jonas Center for 2020-21; and various change orders.
The full agenda and all related materials can be found online at BoardDocs under the Meetings tab > June 16, 2020.
The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 21, via Zoom.