Latest News Posts
George Demont Otis - American Impressionist
Exhibition opens with reception October 1
College of Marin's Annual Security Report 2016 Now Available
Annual report contains policy statements and crime statistics for COM.
In Remembrance of 9/11
Superintendent/President Encourages Continued Dialogue
Summer Bridge Continues to Grow
Program sees increases in students served and student success
Ryan Byrne Appointed by Board of Trustees to Lead Kinesiology and Athletics Department
Byrne brings well-rounded experience as an administrator, coach, and faculty member
Announcing the Enrollment Services Trifecta Launch
New services for scholarship management, communicating financial aid information, and financial disbursement.
COM Stands in Solidarity with Orlando
Programs and services on campus encourage inclusion and offer support
Measure B—COM’s Educational Facilities Funding Bond—Passes
Marin County Registrar of Voters posted unofficial election night results showing College of Marin’s $265 million bond, Measure B, passed with 62.88 percent voting to approve the measure. The measure required a 55 percent supermajority to pass.
Marin Oratorio to Sing National Anthem at Tomorrow’s SF Giants Game
COM’s 100-voice chorus opens game against Boston Red Sox
KENTFIELD, CA—Under the direction of maestro Boyd Jarrell, Marin Oratorio, the College’s 100-voice chorus, will sing the national anthem at tomorrow’s home game between the San Francisco Giants vs. Boston Red Sox at AT&T Park.
Registered Nursing Pinning Ceremony Honors Students’ Accomplishments
Annual celebration May 17, 2016
College of Marin Awarded $1.3 Million Grant
Transformation Grant will assist students in achieving their goals in fewer semesters
Mini-Medical School—Medical Science and Aging
College of Marin, in partnership with Stanford University School of Medicine, Geriatric Medicine; and The Buck Institute for Research on Aging present the second Mini-Medical School—Medical Science and Aging.
California Community Colleges Board of Governors Plans to Change Accreditation Structure
California Community College Board of Governors approved plans to change the current accreditation structure. This move comes after college presidents and district chancellors voted for a dual approach to bring about this change.
Bond Refinancing Will Save Marin Taxpayers Over $14 Million
For the third time in four years, Marin Community College District (District) has demonstrated its stewardship of tax dollars by refinancing an additional $47 million in general obligation bonds associated with Measure C. This action will result in net savings to taxpayers of $5.86 million over the life of the bonds.
Board of Trustees Unanimously Approves Placing a New Bond Measure on June 2016 Ballot
College Board of Trustees voted unanimously to place a $265 million bond measure on the June 7, 2016, ballot to address needs identified in the 2014 facilities assessment.
Drama Department Nominated for San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle Awards
COM’s Drama Department received the good news that its production of Dead Accounts received three San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle (SFBATCC) award nominations in the category for theatres with fewer than 100 seats.
Peter E. Haas Jr. Family Fund Grant Boosts COM Biotech Program
College of Marin biotech students and employees in the workforce will soon have access to a new wet lab designed to simulate real-world environments thanks to a $50,000 grant from the Peter E. Haas Jr. Family Fund. The capital grant allows the College to retrofit and restore a state-of-the-art, multi-functional biotechnology laboratory at the Indian Valley Campus in Novato.
Unique Benefits From Austin Center Demolition
At the end of the spring 2015 semester, College personnel with offices in the Austin Center prepared for demolition of the building and packed to move into their new locations.
Child Development Program's IVC and KTD Preschools Now Accepting Applications for January 2016
Parents interested in College of Marin's Child Development Program preschools should apply now by filling out the online application.
Newly Appointed Music Director Debuts with COM Symphony Orchestra
College of Marin welcomed Jim Stopher as a new full-time instructor in the Music Department.