- On Course Workshop - Helping Colleges Improve Student Success and Retention
- Strengthening Student Success Conference – Sponsored by the RP group for California Community Colleges.
- California Association of Postsecondary Education and Disability (CAPED) – CAPED Annual Conference Information
- Community College League of California (CCLC) - Information and professional learning opportunities for CCC leaders.
- CCC Council for Staff and Organizational Development (4CSD) – 4CSD provides training, resources, and support to those involved in professional development in California's community colleges.
Teaching and Learning Resources
- California Community College Success Network (3CSN)
3CSN organizes workshops and activities at various community colleges throughout the state. - California Comprehensive Center - West Ed
WestEd is a nonprofit research, development, and service agency, working with educational and other communities to promote excellence; achieve equity; and improve learning for children, youth, and adults.
The Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (GTL Center) is dedicated to supporting state education leaders in their efforts to grow, respect, and retain great teachers and leaders for all students. The GTL Center continues the work of the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality (TQ Center) and expands its focus to provide technical assistance and online resources.
- CCCConfer
Zoom e-Conferencing Site for California Community Colleges employees. Use it to conduct meetings, confer with students, make conference calls and more. All you need is an internet connection and a phone. Free training is provided. - @ ONE
Online Network of Educators (ONE) which offers technology training for CCC faculty and staff. Programs are structured to fit busy faculty and staff schedules. They include Desktop Seminars, Instructor-led Online Courses, Self-Paced Online courses, Hands-On Institutes and other online resources. - 3C Media Solutions
Educational television, live instruction, satellite conferencing & streaming media storage. Sponsored by CETC. - TechEDge Newsletter
Free technology newsletter published quarterly to provide timely and relevant news about telecommunications and technology in California's 110 community colleges. Sponsored by CETC.
Instructional Design
For Canvas information, go to the Canvas Faculty Support and Training webpage or contact Stacey Lince, Instructional Technologist, at [email protected]
- Canvas Migration webpage - Check out this link for more details about Canvas and a short video overview.
- List of Canvas Mentors
Online Teaching and Learning Resources
The Distance Education and Professional Learning committees are excited to share the following summer online learning opportunities sponsored by the CVC-OEI. Registration and enrollment fees will be paid by COM. Flex credit hours are also available.
Courses Provided by the Online Network of Educators
The @One Online Network of Educators ofers training and profession learning short and longer courses which can lead to an Online Teaching & Design certificate.
COM offers some funding for these courses. If interested, please contact Cari Torres-Benavides, [email protected] prior to registering.
You can find a full listing for these events and many others in the ProLearning workshop calendar.
Introductory Courses
Introduction to Asynchronous Online Teaching & Learning
Introduction to Live (synchronous) Online Teaching & Learning
Online Teaching & Design Pathway Courses
Online Teaching & Design 12 Week Course
These options can be taken as stand-alone courses or work toward your 4x4 certificate pathway.
Creating Accessible Course Content
Humanizing Online Teaching & Learning
10-10-10: Communication That Matters
Assessment in Digital Learning
Online Teaching Principles
Equity & Culturally Responsive Teaching
Humanizing Online Teaching & Learning
Additional Resources
ProLearning - Log into ProLearning and click on the Search for Learning button on the welcome page to access thousands of online videos and self-paced courses from skillsoft, LinkedIn Learning, the Chancellor's Office, and more. You can search for topics and filter options based on duration, type, subject, and provider. Once you complete these activities, they'll automatically be added to your ProLearning transcript.
COM's Guide to Teaching Remotely - This should be your first stop for information about online teaching at COM. This webpage includes essential information about getting ready to teach, Zoom, Canvas, and more.
Purdue Repository for Online Teaching and Learning - This is a comprehensive repository of resources. Description from their website:
PoRTAL can help you improve your knowledge and skills as you seek to develop your online courses. Topics include: instructor strategies, course enhancement, pedagogy, active learning, sample tools, and policies to help make your job easier as an online instructor and your courses more engaging for your students. As you browse through PoRTAL you will discover that each document is complete with an overview of the topic, an outline of evidence-based best practices (as applicable), and tips and tricks for implementing the ideas.
CUNY's Graduate Center Online teaching portal - This site "offers broad guidance for a range of pedagogical approaches."
Teaching, a Chronicle of Higher Education weekly newsletter about what works in the classroom.
The Chronicle of Higher Education's latest articles about teaching and learning
“How to Give Your Students Better Feedback With Technology," an advice guide from The Chronicle of Higher Education