Professional Development


Classified Professional Learning Day 2023

For access to online resources from select Classified Professional Learning Day sessions, go to Programs and Descriptions and scroll to the program you are interested in.
Programs and Descriptions (Fall 2023)

New Faculty Orientation Sessions

Online resources from select New Faculty Orientation Sessions:
COM Care Presentation

Flex Week Spring 2024

Flex Week Spring 2024 Program and Descriptions

Flex-at-a-Glance Schedule

Flex Week Fall 2023

For access to recorded sessions (including Convocation) and other online resources from select Flex Week Sessions, go to Programs and Descriptions and scroll to the program you are interested in.
Programs and Descriptions
Flex-at-a-Glance Schedule

For more upcoming Flex activities, view the ProLearning calendar and the COMmunity Hour calendar:

ProLearning Workshop Calendar
COMmunity Hour Calendar


Fall 2021 Flex Program

Fall 2018 Flex Week

Monday, Aug. 13 to Friday, Aug. 17

We have a great line-up of presentations and activities during Flex Week including first aid, technology training, art, benefits information and much more!

Convocation and department meetings will be on Wednesday, Aug. 15  - This is a mandatory day for full-time faculty.

Fall 2018 Flex At-a-Glance Calendar This handy one-page calendar gives you an overview of the week and includes the sessions, presenters, dates, and times.

Fall 2018 Flex Descriptions Open this for complete details about the Flex activities offered. Space in some sessions is limited, so please RSVP where indicated.

Fall 2018 Flex Verification Form  -  All faculty must complete, sign, and submit this fillable form by Friday, December 14. Check the form carefully to make sure that you include all required information including your name, department, full or part-time status, and numbers of units, and sign the third page.

The fillable form includes space to indicate activities attended during Fall Flex Week as well as individual professional development activities.  If you complete the form electronically, make sure that you save your form before you send it. Otherwise, you might end up sending a blank form. Please note: You cannot claim Flex credit for activities such as curriculum development, syllabus design, or course materials that are a normal part of the work required for your classes. For more detail, view the 2018-19 Flex Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and the California Community Colleges Flex Guidelines below.

Information about the Flex Program

Flex Guidelines and Faculty Flex Obligations

2018-19 Flex Frequently Asked Questions - Important Information about the COM Flex program.

2018-19 Faculty Flex Obligation - Five-day Flex Obligation per semester. This chart shows the numbers of Flex hours required based on teaching load.

California Community Colleges Flex Guidelines

Fall 2018 Flex Proposal Form - Complete this form to suggest a Flex workshop or activity

Past Flex Activities

Clickers and More in the Classroom: Delivering Enhanced Learning to Facilitate Student Success

Are you looking for ways to make your classes more engaging and interactive? If so, please join us for this session presented by Steven Orton, a representative from Turning Technologies. He will share information about using clickers in the classroom and explore how TurningPoint applications can support key learning theories. We have clickers available to check out for classes and a number of teachers are already successfully using this technology. We invite both new and experienced users to join this session. 

Monday, March 26, 12:10- 1:10 PM, Deedy Staff Lounge

Canvas Grades Workshop

Midterms are an excellent time to perform a check-up on your Canvas grades.  This one-hour workshop provides faculty an opportunity to set up grades in Canvas or review their existing grade settings. Topics covered will include weighted categories, extra credit, treating zeros as ungraded, hiding and releasing grades to students. Participants should bring a copy of their syllabus or have uploaded their syllabus to Canvas prior to the workshop. Time will be allotted for faculty to work on their grade books and ask questions. 

Monday, March 26, 3-4 PM, SMN 132 

Questions? Contact Stacey Lince for more information: [email protected]

Classified Staff Professional Development Day Program

Thursday, March 22, 2018
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Program Overview

View programs and descriptions.

8:30 am – 9:30 am
Coffee and Welcome, Fusselman Hall

Opening Session: 9:30 am – 11:45 am
Preparing for Campus Emergencies, FH 120

11:45 am – 12:45 pm
Lunch, Cafeteria

Session 1: 1 pm – 2:30 pm (Choose one to attend)

Our Role to Ensure Student Equity, FH 120
Art of Listening and Giving Feedback, AC 249
The Way We See It: Same Viewfinder, Different Perspectives, AC 255
De-escalating Emotionally Charged Conflicts, AC 240
Landscape Walking Tour, Meet in front of the Academic Center, Quad Area

Session 2: 2:40 pm – 4:10 pm (Choose one to attend)

Our Role to Ensure Student Equity, FH 120
Art of Listening and Giving Feedback, AC 249
The Way We See It: Same Viewfinder, Different Perspectives, AC 255
De-escalating Emotionally Charged Conflicts, AC 240

4:10 pm – 4:30 pm
Snacks, in front of the Academic Center, Quad Area

Wednesday, March 7, 3-5 PM, FH 120 - Movies for Mental Health workshop.  Student Accessibility Services (SAS) and Psychological Services have partnered to offer this workshop by Art With Impact, a nonprofit that uses the power of film to reduce stigma around mental illness and raise awareness about mental health issues. This session is open to students, faculty, and staff. For more information, contact Stormy Miller at [email protected] or Danila Musante at [email protected] .

Tuesday, Feb. 13, 12-2 PM and 7-9 PM, AC 255 - Not in Our Town: Light in the Darkness. Join concerned civic leaders, community members, students, and parents for a film screening of Light in the Darkness and community discussion about how to stop hate in Marin. Click here to RSVP for the 12 pm screening and discussion.  Click here to RSVP for the 7 pm screening and discussion.

Thursday, Feb. 8, 5-7 PM, James Dunn Theatre - In Honor of Black History Month: Ericka Huggins, educator, former Black Panther Party member, political prisoner, human rights activist, and poet. Click here for more details and to register.

Spring 2018 Flex Week

Tuesday, January 16 - Friday, January 19
Convocation and Department Meetings - Wednesday, January 17 – Mandatory for full-time faculty.

Spring 2018 Flex At-a-Glance Calendar This handy one-page calendar gives you an overview of the week and includes the sessions, presenters, dates, and times.

Spring 2018 Flex Descriptions Open this for complete details about the Flex activities offered. Space in some sessions is limited, so please RSVP where indicated.

Spring 2018 Flex Verification Form (PDF)

2017–18 Flex Information for Faculty

Important Flex Notice:
For fall 2017, there are six Flex days. Five days take place August 14-18, the week prior to school. The sixth Flex day is on Wednesday, October 4. This a non-instructional day, and there are NO classes. Because there are six Flex days this semester, the number of required Flex hours is higher than usual. In the spring, we will have four Flex days. 

Fall 2017 Flex Verification Form 

Fall 2017 Faculty Flex Obligation - Six-day Flex Obligation. This chart shows the numbers of Flex hours required based on teaching load.

Spring 2018 Faculty Flex Obligation - Four-day Flex Week. 

Fall 2017 Flex Week

Monday, August 14 - Friday, August 18, 2017

Fall 2017 Flex-at-a-Glance Calendar

This handy one-page calendar gives you an overview of the week and includes the sessions, presenters, dates, and times.

Fall 2017 Flex Descriptions

Open this for complete details about the Flex activities offered. Space in the art and technology sessions is limited, so please RSVP where indicated.

Faculty and Staff Professional Development Day - Click here for program materials.
3CSN Equity Summit, Wednesday, Oct. 4.

During Flex week in August, we had a series of equity-related sessions that included information about hiring a diverse staff, reducing workplace harassment and discrimination, creating a safe space for LGBTQ members, COMCare, Student Accessibility Services, and more. Our Equity Summit was another opportunity to talk about equity, what we are already doing, and what we need to be doing to ensure that COM is a place where employees and students feel welcomed, supported, and valued. We will continue to focus on this issue throughout the year as we highlight COM programs and services and delve into areas such as implicit bias, microaggressions, and cultural competence.

Equity Resources and Readings - Check out this page, compiled by Arnita Porter and Paula Brown, 3CSN Equity coordinators, for links to videos and articles about equity. 

3CSN - Habits of Mind Workshop
8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 3

SLO Training Sessions

SLOAC is participating in training sessions with Karen Wong, assessment coordinator at Skyline, and all are invited to participate.  

Friday, Sept 22, 10-1 in AC 303.  Focus is on reviewing SLOs and qualities of effective SLOs, assessment strategies and instruments, and strategies for closing the loop 
Friday, Oct 20, 10-1 in AC 303.  Focus is on developing effective rubrics for eLUMEN and reviewing rubric resources   
Friday, Nov 3, 10-1 in AC 303.  Focus is on program level SLO assessment strategies and mapping between course and program-level SLOs 
Friday, Nov 17, 10-1 in AC 303.  Focus is on developing workshops and materials for spring FLEX activities    
Friday, Dec 8, 10-1 in AC 303.  To be determined.  

For more details, contact Logan Wood at [email protected].  Flex credit is available for these events.