Good Afternoon:
I am writing again as promised in last week’s message to you, those faculty scheduled to teach some amount of in-person instruction.
Linked in this message are the draft protocol/internal flowchart for if a student or employee participating in on-campus instruction tests positive for COVID-19. Please review these documents and either let me know your questions/concerns or bring them to our meeting next Thursday, August 20 at 3:30 p.m. These documents are the granular substance behind the information provided last week in the FAQ and Student Safety Agreement (linked for your reference).
Speaking of next week’s meeting, an Outlook invitation was sent last week. Many of you have accepted that invitation. If you can’t find the invitation, please check your email for the Zoom link. I have also included a draft agenda for that meeting below—knowing it will evolve over the next week. The main purpose of the meeting is to address any and all questions and concerns you may have after you have reviewed the material in this message and last week’s message. So while there are topics attached, it will not be a series of presentations. Instead, that content will be responsive to your questions in those areas. If you have feedback on the draft agenda, please do let me know.
Finally, Maintenance & Operations staff continue their work to place hands-free hand sanitizer stations and cleaning supplies in each classroom/lab/studio to be used this fall. As we finalize the exact times/dates of facility use, we will also finalize the M&O cleaning schedule, which will inform the additional sanitizing lab techs and faculty will need to do based on specific equipment, spaces, and timing of use. This will also be covered in our meeting.
Meeting Agenda Draft
In-Person Instruction Faculty Q&A Meeting
Thursday, August 20, 2020
- Background and Context
- Questions & Answers:
- Student Safety Agreement
- Positive Test Protocol
- Accommodations
- Cleaning/Sanitizing
- Additional Items
- Summary and Additional Communications
- Adjourn
As always, if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your dean or me—but please do not ‘reply-all.’
Thank you.
Jonathan Eldridge
Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Student Learning and Success
College of Marin
Office: (415) 485-9618
[email protected]