Paying for College

Tuition and Fees

Nearly all fees to attend College of Marin (COM) are determined by the California State Legislature. Before registering for classes, students must clear any prior semester’s unpaid fees with the Cashiering Services Office on either campus. We strongly believe that College should be accessible to all. Review our Payment Policy for more information, including our Payment Plan option. A variety of federal, state, and community programs can help to cover school and living expenses; see our Financial Aid page for more information.

Instructional Fees

Enrollment fee: $46 per unit

Nonresident fee: $294 per unit

Nonresident capital outlay fee: $79 per unit

International student application fee (nonrefundable): $50

Health fee: $22 summer / $26 fall or spring

Technology fee*: $10

Transportation fee:
$10 minimum (non-refundable) per semester up to 2.5 units, then:
$4 per unit, $33 maximum — Fall/Spring
$4 per unit — Summer

Noncredit Program: $10 — summer, fall, or spring

Student representation fee*: $2

Student activities fee*: $8

Fees for Other Services

Audit fee: $15 per unit

Credit by exam: $46 per unit

Parking permit fee: $29 summer / $46 fall or spring / $4 daily

Transcript fee (first two copies free): $6

Rush transcript fee (24-hour service): $15

Refund service fee (for dropped classes): $10

* Optional Fees
The technology fee supports the establishment, maintenance, and upgrades of student computer labs and continued software access, and is used exclusively for those purposes. The labs are not supported by any state or federal funds. The Student Activities Fee will be expended to provide support for educational and social events for the campus community and to support campus clubs and organizations, student related activities and intercollegiate athletics.

The Student Representation Fee is used to support students or their representatives who may be stating their positions and viewpoints, as well as advocating and lobbying for student interests. Funds are not used to support or oppose any individual candidate or campaign.

Students have the right to refuse to pay the fee for religious, political, moral, or financial reasons. Waivers for each optional fee must be submitted to the Cashiering Services Office by the term’s refund date, approximately two weeks after the start of full-term instruction. For late-start courses or audit students, optional fee waivers must be submitted on the day of registration.

All fees are non-refundable and subject to change without notice except as indicated.