Message from the President

November 4th, 2024 - 7:32pm

Message sent to employees November 4, 2024

Dear College Community:

Repeatedly throughout our history and certainly over the last decade, College of Marin has taken stands to support undocumented students, to demand better of ourselves with racial justice, to reduce our environmental impact for the benefit of future generations, and to address historical and systemic disparities in both opportunity and outcomes for our students and their communities.

I write to reaffirm our responsibility to our students and employees that regardless of rhetoric, policy, or actions at the national level, we remain committed to a campus environment which works to dismantle oppressive systems and where all members of our community can thrive in safety.

On the eve of the election and as I noted last week, if you have not yet cast your ballot, please plan to do so. Voting is our collective responsibility, privilege, right, and power.

All my best,

Jonathan Eldridge, Ed.D.
College of Marin
(415) 485-9502

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