FLEX Week Information and Updates for Faculty

August 16th, 2020 - 8:37pm

Dear College of Marin Faculty:

Welcome to Flex Week (schedule information below) and the start of a most unique academic year. Thank you for all of your work over the summer to prepare for the best possible experience for our students this fall. With enrollment trending up, it is clear students value their College of Marin education and know it is a critical part of their path forward, both through the pandemic and well beyond. I have included information on the following topics for your planning and use—

  1. Student Accessibility & Accommodations Information
  2. Technology & Basic Needs Access
  3. Bookstore Updates & Information
  4. Flex Week Information

I am sure you are also curious about what Spring Semester will bring, as decisions relating to modes of instruction and other factors will need to be made soon. Rest assured, we will be having many conversations about what we might be allowed to do, what might be advisable, and what is feasible over the next few weeks, with the intent of having at least a rough plan to work from by mid-September (to allow for finalizing the spring schedule in time for the registration period). All this to say….Stay tuned!

As always, if I can be of assistance at any point, please do let me know. I look forward to seeing you (virtually) throughout Flex week and into the semester.


  1. Student Accessibility & Accommodations Information

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is available to assist should you have any questions regarding the provision of accommodations for your online and hybrid courses. You can reach SAS at [email protected] or call us at: 9415) 485-9406. In preparation for fall, please note:

  • SAS Counselors are sending accommodation letters directly to faculty via email. If a student communicates they have accommodations but you do not have a copy of a letter, please email [email protected].
  • Please visit http://www1.marin.edu/news/support-services for Accessibility resources for both students and faculty. We continue to update this page with relevant information to support access in the online environment.
  • The Online Teaching and Design course in Canvas will serve as a continuous resource over the course of the semester with information on Universal Design for LearningAmericans with Disabilities Act, and developing accessible online content.
  • Join us for Ask Accessibility Hour on 8/28, 9/4, and 9/11 from 12 to 1 pm via zoom: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/96900051086. This time is designed for faculty who have general questions regarding SAS services and supporting students with access needs.
  1. Technology and Basic Needs Access

If students need to borrow a laptop, hotspot (due to no-Wi-Fi), and/or need support with short-term food access, submit a COM Care report in your MyCOM portal under “Quick Links.”  Distribution of these items will begin the week of August 17, 2020.  If you have any questions, contact [email protected].

  1. Bookstore Updates & Information

Please share the attached resource for shopping online at CollegeofMarinshop.com.

Faculty and Students alike are asking for this information and many still do not know about our online store or that we're offering Curbside Pickup for online orders.

  • The Campus Store remains CLOSED to the public, Curbside Pickup is available for Online Orders.
  • Facial Covering/Mask is REQUIRED for Curbside Pickup
    • Detailed instructions provided in “Ready for Pickup” email 
      • Choose Walk up or Drive up 
        • Walk up: Physical Distancing of 6 feet must be maintained at all times, use the indicated markers, for all Walk Up Online Order Pickups at our front entrance facing P1. 
        • Drive up: We will place your order in the trunk or backseat of your vehicle, park in designated Curbside Pickup spaces in front of the store.


August 2020 Contact-less Curbside Pickup Hours:

Effective Monday, August 17

Monday through Thursday, 10 am - 4 pm 

Friday & Saturday 10 am - 2 pm 


Effective Monday, August 24

Monday through Thursday 10 am - 2 pm, 3 pm - 7 pm  (closed 2-3 pm)

Friday & Saturday 10 am - 2 pm 


Effective Monday, August 31

Monday & Tuesday 10 am - 1 pm, 2 pm - 6 pm (closed 1-2 pm)

Wednesday & Thursday 10 am - 1 pm, 2 pm - 5 pm  (closed 1-2 pm)

Friday 10 am - 2 pm 

To protect you and our team, Public Health Guidelines must be adhered to in accordance with CDC and Marin County Public Health Orders. https://coronavirus.marinhhs.org/

Stay safe & healthy everyone!

Thank you,


Karen Cresci

Store Manager, Multi Unit

[email protected]


  1. Fall 2020 FLEX Week

Cultivating Empathy, Care, Connection, and Inspiration

Monday, August 17 – Friday, August 21

Convocation – Wednesday, August 19 - Mandatory FLEX Day for full-time faculty


Pre-FLEX Week Benefits Sessions

Tuesday, August 11 – Thursday, August 13


All sessions will be held virtually.

To register for sessions and find Zoom links, log in to the MyCOM Portal, go to ProLearning, and open the Workshop Calendar.


Fall 2020 FLEX-at-a-Glance

Check this for a quick overview of the pre-week benefits sessions and FLEX week program.


Fall 2020 FLEX Week Descriptions

Check this for full descriptions of events.


Faculty Information

FLEX Information Brochure—Includes some UPM negotiated changes to the FLEX program.


Full-time Faculty—Full-time faculty will now have a 40-hour FLEX obligation for the academic year rather than having a semester-by-semester obligation. In the past, full-time faculty were required to complete 20 FLEX hours per semester with a five-day FLEX week. Full-time faculty will now have until the last day of spring finals to complete the yearly FLEX obligation.

Part-time Faculty—The FLEX obligation for part-time faculty is prorated based on their assigned instructional load and is listed on contracts and in ProLearning where it is updated on the first day of classes each semester. Part-time faculty must complete their FLEX obligation by the last day of finals each semester. Because of the mandatory professional development for online instruction required this year due to COVID-19, UPM has negotiated to allow part-time faculty to apply excess FLEX hours earned in fall to spring for the 2020—2021 academic year only.

For more details about FLEX, go to the FLEX web page.  For questions, contact Beth Patel at [email protected].