Consumer Information

In accordance with federal regulations set forth by The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, below is a summary of consumer information that must be made available to all students at College of Marin (COM). If you need assistance obtaining information listed or more details, contact the Enrollment Services Office, (415) 457-8811 ext 8822, or email [email protected].

I. Information about College of Marin

II. Overview of Financial Aid Programs

The mission of College of Marin’s Enrollment Services/Financial Aid Office is to assist students and their families in funding educational costs as the College of Marin. We are committed to removing financial barriers that would otherwise prevent students from achieving their educational goals. In addition, we strive to deliver high-quality services with professional competency and concern. Respect for the dignity of students and the privacy of confidential information is central to our mission and we are dedicated to the equitable treatment of all applicants.

State and federal regulations allow community colleges participating in financial aid programs discretion when establishing college-specific policies and procedures. This manual represents COM’s current practices whenever state and federal regulations determine that policy decision-making is the responsibility of the college.

It is the goal of the Enrollment Services/Financial Aid Office to provide students with the most current policy information affecting their financial aid while at COM. Accordingly, as a new state or federal regulations take effect or college practices evolve, this manual will be updated. For further information, comments, or questions please contact Emy Bagtas-Carmona, Associate Director of Enrollment Services.

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF)
Last updated October 2023

III. Information Regarding Student Outcomes

IV. Information Regarding Health and Safety

Cost of Attendance

The Cost of Attendance refers to the average amount a full-time student enrolled in classes at COM can expect to spend during the semester. It is different for students living independently or at home, or who are residents of California or from another state.

Included in COA
The cost of attendance covers:

  • Tuition and Fees
  • Books and Supplies
  • Room and Board
  • Personal Expenses
  • Transportation Determination of COA

Every year, COM’s Enrollment Services/Financial Aid Office reviews the California Student Aid Commission’s most current Student Expenses and Resources Survey (SEARS). It is a broad survey of students’ budgets and expenses from UCs, CSUs, community colleges, independent, and private career institutions. If the survey is not from the current year, it is adjusted for inflation.

Each year California legislators establish the cost for tuition per unit. The average amount of units enrolled at COM or full-time enrollment units are used along with information about health and transportation fees. This sets the amount for tuition and fees while information from the SEARS is used to establish amounts for books and supplies and personal expenses. In this way, the Financial Aid Office establishes a recommended cost of attendance.

The cost of attendance is subject to change depending on legislative activity. It sets the maximum amount of financial aid a student can receive for the year. It represents a modest budget by which a student can live adequately while attending COM.

Adjustments to COA
Currently, COM varies cost of attendance for particular programs, including study abroad based on costs provided by the Study Abroad Office. COM makes adjustments to the COA on a case by case basis through professional judgment. All requests must include documented evidence. Examples of adjustments include:

  • Childcare expenses
  • Medical expenses not paid by insurance
  • Disability related expenses

Instructional Facilities and Labs

College of Marin provides the instructional and laboratory facilities needed to support each academic program. For more information, please contact the department chair or administrative assistant for the department for specific information about the facilities, laboratories, and resources available to support the academic program. A list of academic departments can be found online.

Constitution Day Information

The College of Marin Trustees approved a resolution in 2013 honoring September 17 as Constitution Day to commemorate the signing of the nation’s Constitution on that day in 1787. The resolution is also a response to the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005, which established a statutory mandate that educational institutions receiving federal funds should recognize the special day. Through the College of Marin’s Office of Student Activities & Advocacy and Associated Students of College of Marin Constitution Day is celebrated by distributing free pocket size versions of the U.S. Constitution, engaging students through activities and films, and providing information through passive programming at both the IVC and Kentfield campuses.

Copyright Infringement

The College of Marin complies with all current federal and state laws and regulations regarding copyright and unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials.

Student disciplinary action may be found in the following procedure:

The following websites will provide additional information regarding use of copyrighted material. The booklets, Questions and Answers on Copyright for the Campus Community and Guidelines for Campus Copying are available on the first three websites listed below:

  • The Association of American Publishers,, click on “conferences and publications”
  • National Association of College Stores,, click on “industry information”
  • Software and Information Industry Association,, click on “bookstore”
  • Copyright Clearance Center,
  • American Libraries Association,, click on “Washington Office” or “issues and advocacy”

Student Body Diversity

College of Marin regularly reports this information to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Follow these steps to access this information:

  • Go to IPEDS College Navigator
  • In the “Name of School” box type College of Marin
  • Click on the College of Marin link that appears.
  • For gender and race/ethnicity data, click on the Enrollments link to expand the selection
  • For information about Pell Grant recipients, expand the Financial Aid link

Gender, demographic, and other data is also available in the Student Profile documents published regularly by the College of Marin’s department of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness (PRIE) may be found online.

Student Right to Know (SRTK) Data

Fall 2016 Cohort

College of Marin Completion Rate: 34.81 %
Statewide Completion Rate: 32.36 %
College of Marin Transfer Rate: 13.99 %
Statewide Transfer Rate: 10.35 %

In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-542), College of Marin makes available its completion and transfer rates to all current and prospective students. Beginning in Fall 2016, a cohort of all certificate-, degree-, and transfer-seeking first-time, full-time students were tracked over a three year period. Their completion and transfer rates are listed above. These rates do not represent the success rates of the entire student population at the College nor do they account for student outcomes occurring after this three year tracking period.

Based upon the cohort defined above, a Completer is a student who attained a certificate or degree or became transfer prepared during a three year period, from Fall 2016 to Spring 2019. Students who have completed 60 transferable units with a GPA of 2.0 or better are considered transfer prepared. Students who transferred to another post-secondary institution, prior to attaining a degree, certificate, or becoming transfer prepared during a five-semester period, from Spring 2017 to Spring 2019, are transfer students. Information about Student Right-to-Know rates for College of Marin and how they should be interpreted can be found at the California Community Colleges Student-Right-to-Know Information Clearinghouse website.

Voter Registration Information

College of Marin encourages eligible students to register to vote. Current students may register to vote online by following the “Register to Vote” link in the MyCOM student portal. Students who would like to register via voter registration card may pick one up at Student Activities & Advocacy, Student Services Building, room 241.

 CARES Act grant program 

 Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II) 

 Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II (HEERF II)