Welcome Week - Spring 2021

February 8th, 2021 - 9:26am

Decorative element

Kick-off the spring semester with fun, support, and community!

Monday, February 8

COMCHELLA—A Lunch Concert Featuring Coco Peila

12:40 pm – 1:30 pm
COMCHELLA Zoom Boom Room

More about Coco Peila

Tuesday, February 9

We Gotchu! COM Resource Fair Day

College of Marin is here for you! Drop into the COM Zoom Room and learn about the resources and support available for students.

12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Join the COM Resource Fair via Zoom

Wednesday, February 10

Racial Microaggressions in the Classroom

A message from Fernando Sánchez López and Bea Cazares, President and Vice President of ASCOM:

Last semester, ASCOM started posting some historical events, terminology, and other concepts with the objective to educate our COMmunity about racism and anti-Blackness. We are furthering our efforts this semester by focusing on racial microaggressions in the classroom. This event will dive deeper into what a racial microaggression looks like, provide a space for discussion about experiences at COM, and develop tools on how to navigate this type of microaggression in our daily lives.

We believe that one of the first steps toward change needs to be calling out racial injustices. By naming them out loud, we are able to notice what areas we need to improve on and strive toward creating an anti-racist environment on campus. To prepare for this event, we created a form for you to share your story about racial microaggressions. This is a way of giving a platform to those who want to voice an instance in which they experienced a microaggression. We want to remind you that YOUR EXPERIENCE MATTERS, and we also encourage you to share it. All experiences will remain anonymous, unless you want to pursue accountability for the members involved. You can share your story at tinyurl.com/SpeakOutCOM. We encourage you to also share the link with others.

We hope all students, faculty, and staff will attend this event. Since we are all members of the COMmunity, we all need to work together to create an anti-racist environment at COM.

We will continue working on our promise to fight against racial inequities. We encourage you all to share this information with others so everyone is able to participate. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or you can also reach out to us in our social media: Instagram - @ascom_social and Facebook - @ascom.social

February 10, at 12:30 pm
Join Racial Microaggressions in the Classroom via Zoom

Thursday, February 11

Career Connections

Come explore and expand your career opportunities!

1 pm – 2 pm
Join Career Connections via Zoom

How to Transfer 101

Learn about transfer necessities and get the support you need.

2 pm – 3 pm
Join How to Transfer 101 via Zoom

COM Campuses will be closed Friday, February 12 – Monday, February 15, in observance of Presidents’ Day.