Vaccination Status Reporting

August 23rd, 2021 - 9:30am

Dear Colleagues,

On August 10, 2021, the Marin Community College District Board of Trustees unanimously approved Board Policy 3507 – COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements, which requires all employees, students, and volunteers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, unless an exemption is approved due to verified medical or religious reasons (as defined in federal or state laws and regulations). Those with approved exemptions will be required to adhere to other safety measures in addition to submitting the daily symptom screening and wearing a face covering indoors.

To manage the public health conditions related to the current status of the COVID-19 pandemic, the District is implementing this vaccine requirement.

All employees and volunteers, including those who are working in a hybrid model or remotely, must provide proof of their COVID-19 vaccination or submit an exemption request (for medical or religious reasons) by September 1, 2021.

Students attending in-person classes, programs, utilizing services, or participating in any on-campus activity must provide proof of their COVID-19 vaccination or submit an exemption request (for medical or religious reasons) by September 1, 2021.

If the District determines that a student, employee, or volunteer has not received the COVID-19 vaccination due to a disability, medical condition, or sincerely held religious belief, the District will engage in a process to decide whether a reasonable accommodation can be provided. The accommodations process determines whether a reasonable accommodation exists to enable an employee to perform the “essential functions” of their job. Essential functions vary by job class; therefore, the determination is made on a case-by-case basis and may result in different outcomes.

The District will follow its normal accommodations policy in determining a reasonable accommodation. An individual who is granted medical or religious exemption will be required to adhere to other safety measures. Employees may submit an exemption request for a disability, medical condition, or sincerely held religious belief to [email protected].

All students (as noted above), employees, and volunteers who do not qualify for a medical or religious exemption must obtain their first dose of the vaccine prior to September 1, 2021, and their second dose for Pfizer and Moderna prior to September 30, 2021.


  1. Click on the COVID-19 Vaccination Confirmation Form or use the QR code sent in email
  2. Log in using your MyCOM Portal username and password
  3. Complete the form by providing the type of vaccine and date
  4. Upload your proof of vaccination
  5. Read and review the Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Medical Information
  6. Acknowledge, sign, and submit

You will be sent a confirmation receipt by email. Retain this for your records as proof of submission to the District.

A reference guide for submitting the vaccination confirmation form was attached. If you misplaced your vaccination card or records, you may be able to access your Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record. If you have questions about your Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record, visit the FAQ.

COVID-19 is an extremely contagious and deadly disease and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the most effective way to prevent severe illness or death is to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines are free, effective, and widely available. For more information and to find a vaccination site near you visit

The District continues to take measures to ensure the safety of our campus community during the pandemic based on guidance from local health officials and other public health authorities, such as the CDC. To that end, we are using this moment to remind everyone of the need to maintain physical distancing at all times, to wear facial coverings, to practice thorough hygiene, to monitor for symptoms, and if symptoms arise, to stay away from others and seek medical advice.

Face Coverings and Daily Symptom Screening Are Still Required on COM Campuses

Face Coverings

Face coverings are still required when individuals are inside any District facility except when in a room alone, when eating or drinking, or when performing a task that cannot be performed with a face covering. If an individual is not required to wear a face covering as described above, the individual must wear an effective non-restrictive alternative, such as distancing or a clear face shield. A face shield must extend below the chin and around to the ears, with no gap between the forehead and visor, and must have a cloth drape attached to the bottom edge of the face shield and tucked into the individual’s shirt.

Symptom Screening

Students, employees, and volunteers are still required to complete the daily Symptom Screening before coming to campus.

Stay #COMStrong! Visit for COVID-19 information and resources.

Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation with this important health and safety mandate.

Nikki Harris, MBA, SHRM-SCP
Executive Director of Human Resources, EEO/ADA/Responsible District Officer
Marin Community College District

Indian Valley Campus
Building 11, Second Floor
1800 Ignacio Boulevard
Novato, CA 94949

(415) 457-8811 Ext. 7520