IVOFG to Host Spring Plant Sale

March 30th, 2018 - 12:49pm

Images at the Indian Valley Organic Farm and GardenIVOFG TO HOST SPRING PLANT SALE 

Celebrate Earth Day with farm tours, live music, children’s activities, and more

NOVATO / KENTFIELD, CA—April 2, 2018—The Indian Valley Organic Farm and Garden (IVOFG) will host its spring plant sale Saturday, April 21, and Sunday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The community is invited to browse vegetable and herb starts, native and pollinator plants, and fruit trees that have been grown by College of Marin (COM) staff and students in the on-site nursery. 

During the plant sale, farm staff and partners will be on hand to give tours of the farm and provide related information and activities. UC Marin Master Gardeners will host a children’s learning table UC Marin Master Gardeners will host an educational table with activities to teach children about growing fruits and vegetables. They will also be available to answer questions on fruit tree care, plant identification, growing food at home, and plant selection. 

In addition, UC Marin Master Gardeners, The Cultural Conservancy, and COM staff will provide information about how their programs teach the community about sustainable agricultural, ethnobotanical practices, and growing food at home. Acoustic entertainment will be provided by local musician Brian Lamoreaux and friends on Saturday and Sunday. 

Join The Cultural Conservancy on April 22 for a traditional corn planting and teachings on indigenous agriculture, seeds, and California native plants, with special guests Sage LaPena (Nomtipom Wintu), Melissa Nelson (Anishinaabe), Rose von Thater-Braan (Tuscarora). A light, native lunch will be available. 

Saturday and Sunday, April 21 and 22

10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Indian Valley Campus
1800 Ignacio Boulevard, Novato 

This free event is open to the public. Closest parking is in Lot 6 (near the sports field). Contact Johnny Campbell at (415) 827-8811 ext. 8147 or email [email protected] for more information.

Event flyer PDF