Join us on Monday, March 9, 2020, for three STEM events celebrating College of Marin's new STEM Center at the Kentfield Campus!
The Cave Murals of Baja California
1 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
William Keith Room
College of Marin Library, Kentfield Campus
In 1980, College of Marin students and faculty, led by Dr. Gordon Chan, traveled to Baja California to do fieldwork on rock art found in caves in the San Francisco Mountains. Archeologist Teresa Saltzman will present a narrated slide show made soon after the trip and expand on the team's findings. Join us for the 40th-anniversary celebration of this expedition. Dr. Chan's daughter, Dr. Marjorie Chan, will present "Red Rocks from Earth to Mars" at 6 p.m. (details below).
Teresa Saltzman, MA, San Francisco State University, is a COM alumna, an archeologist and rock art specialist.
Rock Art in Marin, the Bay Area and Beyond
2 p.m. - 3 p.m.
William Keith Room
College of Marin Library, Kentfield California
Rock art is found around the world, across cultures, and throughout history. Here in Marin, Native Americans have also marked natural stone to create rock art. Local archeologist Teresa Saltzman will give a talk about Native American rock art throughout California, especially in Marin County and the Bay Area.
Teresa Saltzman, MA, San Francisco State University, is a COM alumna, an archeologist, and a rock art specialist.
Red Rocks from Earth to Mars
6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
STEM Center
Science, Math, Nursing Building, room 129
Kentfield Campus
Pizza and refreshments will be provided, compliments of Associated Students of College of Marin (ASCOM).
The red rocks on Earth have provided important clues for interpreting the geology on Mars. University of Utah Distinguished Professor Marjorie Chan will show how her studies of small terrestrial concretions (cemented mineral masses) compared with “blueberries” found on the red planet help scientists understand the past environments on Mars. The presentation will also include a discussion of future plans in Earth and planetary explorations.
Marjorie Chan, Ph.D., is a COM alumna and was the 2014 Geological Society of America Distinguished International Lecturer. She is the daughter of the late Dr. Gordon Chan, COM professor.
All events are free and open to the public.
For more information:
Dr. Paul Daubenmire: (415) 485-9531
College of Marin Library: (415) 485-9475