COVID-19 Update for COM Employees

March 16th, 2020 - 1:09pm

Dear College Community:

Thank you for rallying to prepare the institution to offer temporary remote instruction after spring break. Most of the District’s efforts to address COVID-19 have thus far focused on student and faculty concerns and coordination with local public health authorities. However, I want you to assure you that at the same time, we are also focusing on the health and well-being of all our employees.

Based on Governor Newsom’s press conference yesterday and guidance from the Chancellor’s Office, College of Marin is anticipating the need to continue temporary remote instruction through the end of April. It is our goal to have as few employees physically on our campuses as possible and are currently reviewing a variety of scenarios to make that happen. All decisions are being made with the safety, health, and best interests of our community in mind.    

  • Governor Newsom’s directive on March 15 calls for the following employees to stay home:
    • age 65 and older
    • those who have underlying health issues that may increase susceptibility to serious illness from COVID-19
      • If you are in either of these categories, or you are the caregiver for a family member at home who is in either of these categories, please contact your supervisor immediately to make arrangements for working remotely.
  • All employees should update their employee contact and emergency contact information.
  • Do not schedule in-person meetings until further notice unless absolutely necessary, in which case follow social distancing guidelines.
  • District-related travel has been canceled until further notice.
  • Administrators are working to determine what work can be done remotely to minimize the number of employees on-campus while still supporting instruction and other essential functions of the College.

Media outlets are reporting that six Bay Area counties are expected to announce a “shelter in place” order for residents, directing the public to stay inside their homes and away from others as much as possible for the next three weeks to curb the spread of COVID-19 across the region. College of Marin—along with all other educational institutions—would be exempt from an action such as this because the services we provide are considered essential.

It is our goal to send a follow-up communication with answers to these questions, and others that have been raised, no later than 2 p.m. tomorrow, March 17.

We will continue to post the latest information on COVID-19 at Check this page for updates on instruction and operations as we adapt to this rapidly changing situation.

As a reminder, follow social distancing guidelines, stay home if you are sick, and call your primary care physician or the nurse advice line if you have a fever, cough, or shortness of breath. Continue to practice good hygiene and respiratory etiquette; this is still the best way to reduce the risk of becoming infected with a respiratory virus.

We recognize how stressful these times are, and I would like to draw your attention to resources that may be helpful to you. The District offers an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that offers confidential resources and up to six free counseling visits per issue. You can find out more about our EAP by visiting the District’s benefits website at or reaching out to the EAP directly at 800-999-7222.


Be safe and stay well.

David Wain Coon, Ed.D.