COM Welcomes Marin County High School Seniors for College Success Saturday
KENTFIELD / NOVATO, CA—May 4, 2018—Tomorrow, College of Marin (COM) will host Marin County high school seniors at the annual College Success Saturday event. From 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., students will be able to pick their classes and register, attend an orientation and financial aid workshops, tour the campus, and learn more about COM’s resources.
Those who have attended the event say that College Success Saturday answers many of the questions that come up for new college students. Finding out where their classes will be held also reduces some of the anxiety typically felt by students during their first week on campus.
Learning about campus programs and services is an important success-building step for new students as they begin their college career. Throughout the day, COM counselors, faculty, and current student leaders will share their experiences and tips.
Anna Pilloton, COM’s director of school and community partnerships, says that the event helps students feel more comfortable with the transition from high school to college. The orientation is a great opportunity for graduating high school seniors to interact with individuals who provide them with a variety of different perspectives on what it takes to make the most out of COM’s classes, programs, and services. Plus, they get the benefit of on-the-spot registration.
“Graduating high school seniors leave the event as college students with newfound confidence and a strong sense of community,” says Pilloton.
Summer and fall priority enrollment opened this week. The class schedule is available online at Summer classes begin June 11 and fall classes begin August 18.