COM Board Starts Year with New Member

Top row, left to right: Stephanie O’Brien, Wanden Treanor, Diana Conti, Suzanne Brown Crow Bottom row, left to right: Philip Kranenburg, Eva Long, Stuart Tanenberg
KENTFIELD / NOVATO, CA—January 14, 2019—College of Marin (COM) Board of Trustees welcomed Suzanne Brown Crow as its newest member. Crow is one of seven trustees elected to represent the public interest in matters related to institutional mission, performance, and quality. Crow is a Novato resident who ran for election to bring her vision for the College’s Indian Valley Campus (IVC) to the board. She hopes to be a driving force behind workforce housing at IVC. Incumbents Diana Conti and Wanden Treanor were reelected to serve a third and sixth term, respectively.
Elected trustees were sworn in on December 11, 2018, by The Honorable Judge Sheila Lichtblau. Following administration of the oaths of office, new board officers were seated in accordance with the rotation schedule defined in Administrative Procedure 2305. In 2019, Philip Kranenburg will serve as the board’s president, Stuart Tanenberg as vice president, and Wanden Treanor as clerk.
The term of office for elected trustees is four years, expiring the first Friday in December after the general election in November. Elections are held every two years, in even-numbered years. Trustee terms are staggered in an effort to elect one-half of the trustees at each election.
The Board of Trustees next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 15, 2019, at the Kentfield Campus. The study session begins at 3 p.m. in Academic Center, room 229, and is followed by the regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. in Academic Center, room 255.
More information about the COM Board of Trustees is online