The Revolutionary Art of Emory Douglas

The Revolutionary Art of Emory Douglas

Black Liberation, Global Solidarity
October 2 — 27, 2023

COM Fine Arts Gallery
835 College Avenue
Kentfield Campus
Monday through Thursday, 10 am — 7 pm

Opening Reception and Book Signing

Thursday, October 5, 2023
5 pm – 7 pm
Fine Arts Gallery and Performing Arts Patio
Free admission. Open to the public.


Emory Douglas

This exhibition honors Emory Douglas's lifelong resistance, self-determination, and black liberation. As the Minister of Culture for the Black Panther Party, his graphic images in the Black Panther Newspaper were a clarion call to oppressed and colonized peoples worldwide. His designs have continued to spark resistance, self-determination, and Black liberation.

All Power to the People. Ashe'

Umoja Equity Institute, Umoja Learning Community, COM Fine Arts Gallery, Fine Arts Department, Arts and Humanities Department, Communication Department, COM Library

Photo Credit: Jos Wheeler, Auckland, New Zealand

The Revolutionary Art of Emory Douglas poster art