Register today for College Success Saturday!
An Important and Meaningful First Step Towards College
May 3, 2025 — 9 am to 1 pm
Kentfield Campus
835 College Avenue
This is the first opportunity for graduating high school seniors to register for Summer and Fall classes at College of Marin. Incoming students can meet COM staff and faculty, connect with other incoming students, learn about campus programs and resources. Make sure the following has been completed to ensure a quick and easy day of registration:
- Log Into MyCOM student portal at:
- Meet with an academic counselor to pick out and plan your classes for the summer and fall semesters
Faculty, staff, and COM student leaders will be on hand to share information on programs, learning communities, resources, and activities.
Please register online to receive follow-up information on important steps that will help you prepare for College Success Saturday.
Further questions, contact: (415) 485-9663 or [email protected]
PROGRAMS · MAY 3, 2025
9 am — 9:20 am |
Check-in and WelcomeWelcome message. After the Welcome, students will follow Student Ambassadors to classrooms for the College Success Orientation then will register for Summer Bridge and Fall classes. |
AC Quad |
9:25 am |
Student Orientation and RegistrationStudents will be guided through registration on their mobile or personal devices. |
AC and PV Classrooms |
Orientation For Parents (English) |
Orientación para padres (Spanish) |
10 am – 12 pm |
College Success FairCome meet and learn all about COM: Student resources, campus groups, learning communities, academic departments, and more! |
AC Quad |
10:30 am |
Transfer 101 (English) |
Transferencia 101 (Spanish) |
TBD | |
11:30 am |
Financial Aid Overview by 10,000 Degrees (English) |
Descripción General de la Ayuda Financiera por 10,000 Degrees (Spanish) |
Thank You for attending! |