

Stay at home, be safe, but let your creativity run wild!

COMouflage: (noun) 1. a strategem used at COM during the stay at home order to make use of those paper grocery bags that you may find piling up  2. a creative take on masks intended as a fun activity to spur imagination and maybe even inspire others to join in!

  1. First, you need a paper bag
  2. Be creative, get crafty, and have fun making your mask!
  3. Take a photo of you (or someone) wearing the mask, then email the image (JPEG)
  4. The image(s) of your creations will be shared on this page (and possibly beyond)*
Who's behind the masks?
*By emailing your photo(s) as part of this activity, you agree to allow College of Marin to use the image(s) online ( and official College of Marin social media sites).
No trees were harmed in the process of making the masks. All bags were reused from grocery stores.
The crafty humans behind the masks (appearing in random order): Anonymous, Nicole Cruz, Kim Foulger, Gina Longo, Dianne O'Donnelley, Joanna Pinckney